Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Principles Of Systems Analysis And Design Essay
Task 1) The principles of systems analysis and design a. Principles of systems analysis Development Lifecycle Models Waterfall Model Feasibility – Analysis - Design – Implementation - Testing - Maintenance - V-shaped model Rapid Application Development (RAD) Define the problem Build a PROTOTYPE Compare the prototype to the defined Requirements Make improvements Spiral Model – is mainly used in larger development projects. The stages are arranged in a spica Requirements gathering Risk analysis Prototyping Costing Testing Customer evaluation Tools and techniques SSADM stands for Structure System Analysis and Design Methodology Diagram shows on example of SSADM diagram stages. Stage 0 feasibility - Stage 1 Investigation of current requirements - Stage 2 Business System Options - Stage 3 Definition of requirements - Stage 4 Technical Systems Options - Stage 5 Logical Design - Stage 6 Physical Design – Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) Description Diagram show the actions taking place on business Symbols used in a DFD External Entities Data flows Processes Data stores Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools (CASE) and an example such as Microsoft Visio. Computer-Aided Engineering Tools (CASE) Using a software to create diagrams such as DFDs Example –Show MoreRelatedNtp Essay1370 Words  | 6 Pagestransfer (REST) technology, an architectural style and approach to communications often used in web services development. Many worldwide used APIs are analysed not to be fully compliant to the principles of HTTP. In this work, I intend to study description documents of REST APIs and perform structural analysis. Few real-world API descriptions would be the data for this study. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Physical Education in Secondary Schools - 1149 Words
Physical Education In Secondary Schools My philosophy of physical education in the secondary setting deals with students becoming physically fit. Also that students learn how to communicate with others, especially in a team setting. My philosophy also holds in it different teaching methods. Methods that physical education teachers can use to get the most out of their students. With this philosophy of physical education I plan to use it toward becoming a good teacher. The major reason for having physical education in secondary schools is to lead the students toward a better lifestyles and to be physically fit. There was an article published In 1992 by, The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), stating what†¦show more content†¦Guys think about girls and girls think about guys. Some students even have to worry about their after school job. Physical educators need to be able to express the subject matter in a interesting way for the learners to better understand. If teachers made an effort to make their classes as enjoyable as possible for learning, students may eventually love attending physical education classes. Every student has the ability to learn. Some students learn at a more rapid pace than others. In physical education class we will be teaching them all. Our job as physical educators is to bring out the best in each student. Even if the student doesnt learn easily. For example, special education students have trouble learning, if they can accomplish just a simple task it would be great. The teacher could give that student feedback on a job well done and the student would be very happy and want to accomplish more. Physical education teachers need to know were every student stands on their ability to learn. The teacher be able to adjust to each individual students needs and fulfill those needs. Each student has his/her on preference as to what he/she wants to learn. In that preferred subject the child usually excels. In most cases physical education relates more to males than females, this needs to change. We need to introduce more activities that females like to do such as: dance, aerobics, and gymnastics. Gymnastics was once aShow MoreRelatedPerception on activity format in each sport Over two thirds of secondary school physical education900 Words  | 4 PagesPerception on activity format in each sport Over two thirds of secondary school physical education teachers indicated all activities, with the exceptions of football, basketball, handball, gymnastics and swimming, should be offered in a coeducational format. The major reason for coeducational grouping in some activities in physical education lesson was those activities were not require direct body contact to compete against one another when compared with football, basketball and handball. 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Children throughout the world have been dancing since the day they began walking. When a child to take their first steps and puts together the simplest combination of movements, that would be considered as dancing. Music also plays a major role in the development of children understanding dance, because it is canRead MoreThe Importance Of A Physical Education Teacher1476 Words  | 6 PagesPhysical Education Teaching is one of the most important careers that help advance a society. Teachers are important because they are responsible for passing along knowledge from generation to generation. Early Americans made education one of the most important aspects of society when this nation was founded. Formal education has been around thousands of years, but the modern education system in place now originated in the early 20th century. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
ERP Implementation Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Analysis and ERP Implementation. Answer: Introduction ERP frameworks are frequently the biggest programming application embraced by colleges with noteworthy sums designated to their usage. Colleges vary from different associations since they have distinctive situations and conditions, and they utilize ERP advancements for scholarly purposes. Personnel and staff regularly connect with center institutional exercises through ERPs, and understudies require more data and better E-learning conditions. Nevertheless, little research has been directed about ERPs in a college domain, contrasted with different situations. In entirety, this implies the framework is, by definition, basic to the foundations' main goal. Besides, these associations are administrative associations and work together for benefit and non-benefit purposes, which may make ERP frameworks in these associations with various concomitances particularly with the high rate of disappointment executions. These issues prompt basic inquiries regarding the achievement and the advantage of ERPs for these associations. The center some portion of these issues brings together the review's point on regardless of whether the framework enhances client execution, and furthermore whether ERP frameworks meet staff prerequisites in advanced education conditions. Henceforth, concentrate the effects of ERP frameworks on client execution is a noteworthy approach to evaluate the utility of these applications in advanced education establishments and how they add to execution proficiency and adequacy. At the point when ERP frameworks are completely acknowledged in business associations, they yield huge advantages, for example, enhanced access to exact and opportune data. Notwithstanding, advanced education foundations don't understand the noteworthiness of the ERP frameworks due to the not very many effective usage and reception of these applications. In this report, the ERP implementation have been discussed for education case studies and several conclusions have been reached accordingly. Case Study Analysis and ERP Implementation Advanced education foundations put widely in ERP frameworks however think that its hard to recognize the got profits by these applications as far as their workers' execution, which ought to be reflected in the authoritative results and administrations. Rising partners' desires (especially understudies and governments), quality and execution necessities, and aggressive instruction situations, alongside diminishing legislative support, have forced colleges worldwide to embrace new systems keeping in mind the end goal to enhance their execution. Thus, the advanced education area has swung to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) frameworks in the expectation of helping them to adapt to the evolving condition (Katerattanakul, Lee and Hong 2014). Subsequently, existing administration and organization PC frameworks have been supplanted by ERP in these foundations, to accomplish more proficiency and openness for all individuals and enhance end clients execution by giving better administrative apparatuses. Hence, thorough assessment that catches ERP innovation, clients and authoritative issues is alluring. To this end, a basic survey about past research in ERP framework in advanced education, with an extraordinary concentrate on advanced education in Australian, is exhibited in this paper. This audit will assess past research and decide the examination needs around there and to recognize the result of ERPs in this division (Ahmad and Cuenca 2013). Various points of view are considered in this audit, particularly the client viewpoint. The measure of interest in these ERP frameworks has been significant. Over the most recent couple of years advanced education establishments spent more than 5 billion in ERP venture. The point of ERP usage in colleges is to give universities, schools and divisions, with an improved capacity for research and instructing at sensible or ease. Shockingly anyway, it has been guaranteed that upwards of 60% to 80% percent of all ERP frameworks negle ct to meet expected results, while different usage did not enhance execution with clients unequivocally communicating disappointment with execution (Ram, Wu and Tagg 2014). In light of these realities and because of the noteworthy ventures of assets made by associations to embrace or move to ERP framework, analysts want to clarify the causes and the variables that prompt great execution with ERPs, what elements impact usage achievement and disappointment and the explanations for the issues that happen with the execution of ERP frameworks. ERP frameworks are frequently the biggest programming application embraced by colleges with noteworthy sums designated to their usage. Colleges vary from different associations since they have distinctive situations and conditions, and they utilize ERP advancements for scholarly purposes. Personnel and staff regularly connect with center institutional exercises through ERPs, and understudies require more data and better E-learning conditions. Nevertheless, little research has been directed about ERPs in a college domain, contrasted with different situations. In entirety, this implies the framework is, by definition, basic to the foundations' main goal. Besides, these associations are administrative associations and work together for benefit and non-benefit purposes, which may make ERP frameworks in these associations with various concomitances particularly with the high rate of disappointment executions (Ahmad and Cuenca 2013). These issues prompt basic inquiries regarding the achiev ement and the advantage of ERPs for these associations. The center some portion of these issues brings together the review's point on regardless of whether the framework enhances client execution, and furthermore whether ERP frameworks meet staff prerequisites in advanced education conditions. Henceforth, concentrate the effects of ERP frameworks on client execution is a noteworthy approach to evaluate the utility of these applications in advanced education establishments and how they add to execution proficiency and adequacy. At the point when ERP frameworks are completely acknowledged in business associations, they yield huge advantages, for example, enhanced access to exact and opportune data. Notwithstanding, advanced education foundations don't understand the noteworthiness of the ERP frameworks due to the not very many effective usage and reception of these applications (Ram, Wu and Tagg 2014). For instance, in Australia a current review directed, it was found that not very ma ny ERP framework ventures executed effectively. Moreover, when a data framework usage falls flat, one cause might be its powerlessness to meet the desires of its partner gatherings. In this manner, giving learning about the fit between ERP applications and clients' needs in these foundations ought to help to at any rate maintain a strategic distance from any disappointment brought about by confounds between the framework and clients' needs. There have been various reviews on ERP usage and a few related issues, for example, execution methodology, business process and results. Despite the fact that these reviews talk about numerous imperative issues in detail, even merchant determination and usage group, explore about ERP framework in advanced education is still at the early stages organize. To be sure, existing ERP explore has ignored the advanced education part around the world, despite the fact that most colleges have actualized or are executing an ERP framework (Ahmad and Cuenca 2013). In this way inquire about in issues identified with ERP and clients in advanced education speaks to a forward stride in examining the genuine advantages possibly conveyed by these frameworks to associations. Despite the fact that ERP frameworks in advanced education foundations right now speak to their biggest programming venture, it is not prone to be the last one. These reviews presumed that ERP frameworks were executed to enhance adm inistrations for understudies, workforce and staff. In any case, half of these usage went over spending plans and over course of events calendars. In spite of the fact that these reviews did not offer thoughtfulness regarding client points of view, they brought issues to light and made some vital commitments about ERPs in a critical domain (Higher training foundations) which speaks to a standout amongst the most essential areas that put resources into ERP to accomplish significant results from that speculation. Colleges are wanting to recharge and introduce other enterprisewide frameworks later on, this requires the call for more research endeavors around there. As said beforehand, specialists have considered ERP in different settings and circumstances, and in different enterprises (Nour and Mouakket 2013). In particular, inside the setting of in the advanced education area a few reviews have been directed for fluctuated purposes, with the majority of the reviews gone for assessing ERP usage achievement and results as far as the contributed cost, or issues in regards to execution disappointment. A few scientists directed arrangement of studies to survey ERPs in advanced education and their related advantages with an emphasis on process execution and the impact of variables, for example, culture and administration on process execution in an ERP framework condition. Scientists as of late explored which elements are essential while executing ERP in advanced education and which variables prompt achievement or disappointment. For example, it has been clear that staff preparing is imperative process while actualizing ERP in advanced education with a specific end goal to receive more rewards from these frameworks. The review reasoned that ERP conceivably enhances business execution in advanced education by upgrading administrations offered to understudies, personnel and staff (Ahmad and Cuenca 2013). Analysts directed a review in four UK colleges to examine the impac t of ERP usage in advanced education. The review found that hierarchical culture and correspondence effectively affect the execution results of ERPs in advanced education in the UK. Scientists concentrated the effects of initiative and culture on execution of ERP frameworks and their noteworthiness in anticipating execution in advanced education. Analysts explored the effects of ERP framework on business process and execution in advanced education. The key inquiries of his review tended to regardless of whether ERPs improve execution prepare and looked the parts of components, for example, authority and culture and their belongings of ERP and business execution. The outcomes demonstrate that hierarchical culture affects the accomplishment of ERP execution and the blend of these components was not related with effective execution. The disappointment rate of ERP execution is high, among different snags we locate that, specialized issues, and basic elements including top administration support, preparing and individuals hindrances have been refered to as real boundaries. Thus, over the previous decade analysts have turned out to be keen on ERP frameworks, particularly in their disappointment components. Subsequently past work focused widely on those elements that fundamentally influence ERP usage and add to framework achievement (Nour and Mouakket 2013). This pattern has proceeded to the impediment of examinations concerning client angles as usage achievement elements. In any case, there is an absence of observationally upheld look into on ERP framework and client execution issues. This nonattendance is the fundamental inspiration element to assess the effects of ERPs on client execution by looking over advanced education organizations from the client's perspective, perceiving the client as the instrument that d rives ERPs esteem and with a solid conviction that ERP clients are to be sure a critical component driving usage achievement and that absence of think about ERP framework clients can prompt execution disappointment. To additionally comprehend the ERP execution impacts on associations, this examination endeavors to assess real effects of ERP framework on its client execution by utilizing a settled hypothetical structure. This begins from the suggestion that data frameworks can't without anyone else's input influence profitability, with the primary effectiveness figure lying the way individuals utilize these innovations. Therefore the framework clients end up noticeably a standout amongst the most imperative figures making profits by these advances. Thusly, this idea ought to be given significant consideration with a specific end goal to all the more completely comprehend the ERP advances and how these innovations can enhance hierarchical execution. In spite of the fact that falling b ehind different businesses, the utilization of IS (Information Systems) in advanced education has expanded. Be that as it may, associations have not completely grasped the important asset of ERP frameworks (Schniederjans and Yadav 2013). In this manner, to understand the potential results and advantages of ERPs inside these associations, inquire about into client execution, framework utilize and IS fit has been required and critically required. All the more particularly, the vast majority of the past reviews either have more hypothetical fixation or research execution issues, for example, client acknowledgment, or assess the usage achievement of the ERPs all in all. In like manner, it appears that the blend of various assessment factors and their consequent order into organized measurements and variables can add to shape a far reaching model which fills a fundamental piece of the information crevice, and speaks to a further stride in researching ERPs and their effect in advanced edu cation establishments and IS hypothesis also. Hence, as the concentration ERP assessments is widening from specialized perspectives to incorporate human, hierarchical and innovative viewpoints too, the significance of ERPs and their consequences for client execution will be acknowledged, and along these lines the degree to which ERPs satisfy their part for target associations will be perceived. To the best of the insight none of the past reviews have attempted to gather what we see to be the most vital elements which influence client execution from client point of view, or the effects of ERP frameworks on client execution at the individual level. To put it plainly, past reviews have molded numerous parts of the information base in this piece of the IS field, running from achievement components, usage forms, challenge elements, hierarchical advantages and client acknowledgment. However an information crevice still exists in regards to client execution and ERP applications; this has b een practically disregarded in past reviews independent of a few reviews that attempted to assess exceptionally focused on unique gatherings execution in various sorts of associations. Time spent examining the present understudy administration framework and how the business procedures are executed took into account compelling business prepare rebuilding to fit the new ERP. Taking after information relocation trials, the information was tried and retested guaranteeing the new framework would work as required. What's more, despite the fact that the last "go live" date did not see the greater part of the arranged modules brought on the web, the venture continued not surprisingly in momentum look into, with some financial plan and time allotment over-runs. Once the new venture supervisor was conveyed to the venture, the groups refocused their energies to bring the new ERP framework into utilization just six months after the fact than initially arranged (Bernroider, Wong and Lai 2014). Through the way toward concentrate the authentic records of this ERP execution extend and inspecting the aftereffects of the review of current staff individuals, a few conclusions can be drawn. The records examined uncovered that this Midwestern college put quite a long while of research and planning into the move procedure from the heritage framework. More than two years of research occurred preceding the merchant decision, with a portion of the inclination of seller in light of a fruitful move to the merchant's money related and HR modules. With regards to client fulfillment, current writing finds that some client disappointment is not out of the ordinary, and this is the same at this Midwestern college. The review reactions uncovered worry among the standard clients in regards to the viability of the new ERP, if the new framework has enhanced their work forms and on the off chance that they have had satisfactory support and preparing. Investigation of CSF has additionally uncovered that client fulfillment is a basic piece of the achievement of an ERP execution. It is too soon to decide if client fulfillment will adversely impact this ERP execution or not. More review should be done later on to demonstrate or invalidate this hypothesis. This contextual analysis of an ERP usage at this medium estimated Midwest college has been intended to assemble a general view from the point of view of staff, colleagues and later on, social affair and deciphering understudy assessments. Late writing has been inspected to see the key speculations, basic achievement elements and best practices as of now perceived in the business to safeguard an effective ERP usage, for this situation in a college domain. Study apparatuses have been planned and test populaces haphazardly chosen to be studied at some of all the scholarly and regulatory workplaces at this college (Bernroider, Wong and Lai 2014). While the objective of the underlying exploration proposition was viably planned, the after-effect of this initially draft of the examination paper is not a case of viable research due to of the restricted get to permitted to the CM colleagues and the predetermined number of review reactions. Both extra access to college colleagues and expanded overview investment will enhance the legitimacy of a future contextual investigation. On the off chance that these contacts can be built up and satisfactory study reactions assembled, this contextual analysis will add profitable data to the assemblage of information of ERP programming industry for use by organizations of higher instructive pondering updating their administration programming later on. Conclusion Advanced education foundations put widely in ERP frameworks however think that its hard to recognize the got profits by these applications as far as their workers' execution, which ought to be reflected in the authoritative results and administrations. Rising partners' desires (especially understudies and governments), quality and execution necessities, and aggressive instruction situations, alongside diminishing legislative support, have forced colleges worldwide to embrace new systems keeping in mind the end goal to enhance their execution. Thus, the advanced education area has swung to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) frameworks in the expectation of helping them to adapt to the evolving condition. Subsequently, existing administration and organization PC frameworks have been supplanted by ERP in these foundations, to accomplish more proficiency and openness for all individuals and enhance end clients execution by giving better administrative apparatuses. There have been various reviews on ERP usage and a few related issues, for example, execution methodology, business process and results. Despite the fact that these reviews talk about numerous imperative issues in detail, even merchant determination and usage group, explore about ERP framework in advanced education is still at the early stages organize. To be sure, existing ERP explore has ignored the advanced education part around the world, despite the fact that most colleges have actualized or are executing an ERP framework. In this way inquire about in issues identified with ERP and clients in advanced education speaks to a forward stride in examining the genuine advantages possibly conveyed by these frameworks to associations. Despite the fact that ERP frameworks in advanced education foundations right now speak to their biggest programming venture, it is not prone to be the last one. These reviews presumed that ERP frameworks were executed to enhance administrations for understudies, workforce and s taff. In any case, half of these usage went over spending plans and over course of events calendars. References Ahmad, M.M. and Cuenca, R.P., 2013. Critical success factors for ERP implementation in SMEs.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,29(3), pp.104-111. Almajali, D.A., Masa'deh, R.E. and Tarhini, A., 2016. Antecedents of ERP systems implementation success: a study on Jordanian healthcare sector.Journal of Enterprise Information Management,29(4), pp.549-565. Bernroider, E.W., Wong, C.W. and Lai, K.H., 2014. From dynamic capabilities to ERP enabled business improvements: The mediating effect of the implementation project.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), pp.350-362. Bintoro, B.P.K., Simatupang, T.M., Putro, U.S. and Hermawan, P., 2015. Actors interaction in the ERP implementation literature.Business Process Management Journal,21(2), pp.222-249. Chou, H.W., Lin, Y.H., Lu, H.S., Chang, H.H. and Chou, S.B., 2014. Knowledge sharing and ERP system usage in post-implementation stage.Computers in Human Behavior,33, pp.16-22. Esteves, J.M., 2014. An empirical identification and categorisation of training best practices for ERP implementation projects.Enterprise Information Systems,8(6), pp.665-683. Gajic, G., Stankovski, S., Ostojic, G., Tesic, Z. and Miladinovic, L., 2014. Method of evaluating the impact of ERP implementation critical success factorsa case study in oil and gas industries.Enterprise Information Systems,8(1), pp.84-106. Galy, E. and Sauceda, M.J., 2014. Post-implementation practices of ERP systems and their relationship to financial performance.Information Management,51(3), pp.310-319. Karlsson, R. and Flink, E., 2014.Changes and Challenges of ERP Implementation in the Context of Procurement and Supply Chain Processes. Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Lund University. Katerattanakul, P., J. Lee, J. and Hong, S., 2014. Effect of business characteristics and ERP implementation on business outcomes: An exploratory study of Korean manufacturing firms.Management Research Review,37(2), pp.186-206. Nour, M.A. and Mouakket, S., 2013. A classification framework of critical success factors for ERP systems implementation: A multi-stakeholder perspective. InCompetition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems(pp. 98-113). IGI Global. Parr, A.N., Shanks, G. and Darke, P., 2013. 8 IDENTIFICATION OF NECESSARY FACTORS FOR SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF ERP SYSTEMS.New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes: Field Studies and Theoretical Reflections on the Future of Work,20, p.99. Powell, D., Alfnes, E., Strandhagen, J.O. and Dreyer, H., 2013. The concurrent application of lean production and ERP: Towards an ERP-based lean implementation process.Computers in Industry,64(3), pp.324-335. Ram, J., Wu, M.L. and Tagg, R., 2014. Competitive advantage from ERP projects: Examining the role of key implementation drivers.International Journal of Project Management,32(4), pp.663-675. Schniederjans, D. and Yadav, S., 2013. Successful ERP implementation: an integrative model.Business Process Management Journal,19(2), pp.364-398. Sun, H., Ni, W. and Lam, R., 2015. A step-by-step performance assessment and improvement method for ERP implementation: Action case studies in Chinese companies.Computers in Industry,68, pp.40-52. Zach, O., Munkvold, B.E. and Olsen, D.H., 2014. ERP system implementation in SMEs: exploring the influences of the SME context.Enterprise Information Systems,8(2), pp.309-335.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Supply Chain Management in Organization
Question: This topic so have to do research report on same topic that is supply chain management in organisation? Answer: 1. Introduction to the Proposal The sustained economic growth across the global economy has eventually increased the level of non-renewable resources and energy consumption. The supply chain operations of the several organizations across varied industries across the globe are directly contributing towards resource depletion problems. Several of the organizations are also breaching their environmental responsibilities towards their surroundings by creating environmental hazards through its supply chain activities and operational practices. As a result, the concept of green supply chain management has emerged as a new systematic environmental approach in the industry. This approach has already been accepted by several of the forward thinking and prominent organizations in the manufacturing and service industry. In fact several or the organizations have experienced positive operational outcomes by balancing economic and environmental performances of their supply chain operations. Thus, the impact of implementation of the Green techniques in the Supply chain management of the manufacturing and service organizations are intended to study in this research proposal. This study conducted in this proposal is highly restricted to more usage of qualitative research tools over quantitative research tools of measuring the periodic financial performance of these organizations selected for study. The responses obtained from the samples selected for the study would be converted in to qualitative information that would be further analyzed and researched. Several of the existing literature pertaining to adoption of green supply chain management practices, would also be compared with the research data obtained. 2. Research Question and Purpose The Purpose of this research proposal is to rightly identify and propose a conceptual model for incorporating green supply chain management practices in organizations that would eventually help organizations in improvising their economical, operational and environmental performance. The industry experts working closely with supply chain activities for at least eight years would be identified across several industries and several locations across the world. Either email communication or video conferencing would be used to capture the responses of these experts. The Positive hypothesis for the study conducted on adoption of green supply chain management practices, would be a positive operational performance of an organization after adoption of the environmental friendly changes in the supply chain activities. A negative impact shown by the implementation of green supply chain practices on the organizations operational performance, even in the long run, would be termed as a negative hyp othesis for this study. Making hardly any difference in terms of both economic and operational efficiency, would be termed as neutral hypothesis for the study. 3. Literature Review A. Application of GSCM concept in developed nations: According to Zhu and Sarkis, the Green Supply Management process actually consists of range of actions that has to taken in the purchasing of products and services for the manufacturing process so that the cost effective method of production can be achieved. This way an effort is made to achieve integrated supply chain method in action by reviewing the business operation from supplier, manufacturer, customer and other logistics requirements. The main purpose behind the integration of the whole environment management process is to achieve a green supply chain management which could help in fighting back the competition that exists in the markets. Also the natural environment can be preserved from the business activities by controlling the outcome that may bring adverse effects on it. The Green Supply Chain Management programs have been adopted in various developed countries in the recent years including Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom and various other countries. Limited level of application of this concept has been observed in developing nations such as China, Malaysia, Brazil and India (Zhou et al., 2008). According to Large and Thomsen, their actually exist five types of potential drivers that helps in application of Green Supply Chain Management in various countries. The researchers took the case of Germany for the application of this concept. It was found that the Green Supply Chain Management can be achieved with the followings. The achievement of the capabilities for achieving GSCM by the management, Strategy development for the same by the purchase department, Commitment of the whole organization process towards GSCM, The level of the acceptance of this concept and Finally the achievement of collaboration between the organization and its suppliers for the application of this process. This way the achievement of GSCM in practice requires collaboration of the organization with the suppliers so that the high level of commitment and strategic development can be achieved (Large Thomson, 2011). Another study made by Azevedo et al in Portuguese automobile supply chain management system helped in understanding the main motives behind the application of the Green Supply Chain Management process which included improving quality of output, achieving customer satisfaction and increasing efficiency of business. The research also recognized the motive of bringing cost effectiveness in the business environment and achieving conservation for the natural environment. This way the concept of GSCM has various benefits associated which are tried to be achieved through its application (Azevedo et al., 2011). According to Chiou et. Al, the research made in Taiwan confirmed the benefit of the application of the Structural Equation Modeling method in achieving Green Supply Chain Management in the business enterprises. The evaluation suggested that the concentration on the suppliers for following the green innovation methods helps in achieving higher competitive advantage and improve environment related performance. This way the companies that work in proximity with the suppliers can easily achieve GSCM in their business operations. This requires the directions given to the suppliers for the achievement of these goals through contract that consist of regulations that needs to be followed to safeguard environment and achieve cost effective and quality output. Thus not only the cost of production is actually tried to be achieved but the transportation of raw material and other goods is made environment friendly up to great extent (Chiou et al., 2011). According to Cagno et al., the research made in Italy confirmed that the improvements in the third party logistics helped in achieving higher level of acceptance for the Green Supply Chain Management in the company. This way the companies need to make potential efforts in the application of the GSCM practice in the third party logistics systems so that the environment security and sustenance can be achieved for the organization. The various logistics facilities in various countries therefore require following of set of guidelines that the organization interested in application of GSCM needs to deliver. These sets of guidelines are actually required to be offered at the time of agreement. This way the organizations can direct the logistics companies to follow a definite set of guidelines for delivering quality output to the organization through application of GSCM. This way only the agreed parties who are interested in the application of GSCM will enter into contract and follow the sa me guidelines. Other logistics companies who are not sincere with such efforts will definitely take away themselves from the deal and hence the deal will be finalized between the people who are actually interested in preserving the environment and achieve cost effectiveness through the application of GSCM (Cagno et al., 2011). Nawrocka et al. made research in Sweden and concentrated on the application and role of ISO 14001 standards in various companies. It was found that the environment supply chain management practice was well accepted in some companies. He took the case study of various Swedish Companies where the application of ISO 14001 was applied and thoroughly followed. This way among the various other motives the key motive behind the application of ISO 14001 is to apply GSCM in the companies. This actually ensures that the companies follows the definite tasks of preserving environment, achieving cost effectiveness and increasing output by applying the environment safety methods in the supply chain management by guiding the logistics and suppliers accordingly. He identified the presence of three operation tasks for the application of the GSCM in these companies (Nawrocka et al., 2009). These are stated as below. 1. Accurate and appropriate communication of the actual requirements to the suppliers. That is the suppliers need to be conveyed with the actual requirement that can help in the achievement of the desired manufacturing outcome. The wastage will be declined and the lean production process will be applied which will be save millions for the company. 2. Motivating the suppliers and make them able enough to achieve the GSCM in their practice. That is the suppliers need to be guided to achieve the application of Green Supply Chain Management by giving them guidelines and instructions. It is also suggested that the companies need to support the suppliers by financial and motivational support to develop and apply the GSCM in their work process so that the cost effectiveness and environment safety can be achieved. 3. Verification of the suppliers at various stages and at regular intervals in the application of the GSCM concept application. That is the suppliers method of working and delivering output needs to be checked and rechecked at regular intervals so that the most appropriate outcome is achieved. This includes guiding the suppliers and thereafter carefully reviewing the outcome during the delivery. This will help in keeping a close control over the business operation that has been followed by the suppliers for the support of business process in the organization. B. Application of the Green Supply Chain Management in developing nations: According to Anbumozhi and Kanda the application of the Green Supply Chain Management in the developing countries like China, India, Malaysia, Brazil and other countries is linked with the development of the production process to achieve environment friendly and upgraded business system. These companies adopt the environment saving plans under the GSCM with a view to save the environment as per the government restrictions. However it is suggested that these companies should instead move towards a more proactive approach so that the actual Green Supply Chain Management process can be initiated and adopted. This way the companies should realize their responsibility well in advance and take appropriate steps accordingly. But what is actually been observed that these companies has a motive of earning huge profits. They tend to apply the environment safety measures only for the sake of fulfilling government regulations. Thus there is a missing of a desire to achieve the application of the GSCM process (Anbumozhi Kanada, 2005). According to Rao, little research has been done in the developing countries with the non interest of the people especially the businessmen in safeguarding the natural environment. These businesses do not recognize the benefit that they can actually gain by the application of the concept of GSCM. Therefore the lack of commitment was identified in various developing countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and other South East Asian countries (Rao, 2002). According to Large et al., it is actually observed that the business operation in developing countries are not controlled and guided by an effective government guidelines and instructions that lead to the development of the plans that does not safeguard the environment. Also the suppliers in the developing countries do not hesitate in compromising the natural factor and other people interest in wake of earning huge profits. Finally the non rational management and the absence of enlighten citizens has resulted in the further application of such policies that harm the natural environment. Logistics in the developing countries follows polluting methods of transferring products and services from one place to another. The lack of environment friendly laws and commitment of the government bodies and employees in achieving GSCM has resulted in the downgrading of the production and logistics process which has resulted in affecting the natural environment and habitat (Large Thomson, 2011). According to Cagno et. al., most of the people in the developing countries consider the application of the Green Supply Chain Management process as an addition in the cost of production. This is because the application of the pre-requisites requires one time investment and commitment for its regular usage. This commitment and investment is not made fairly by the businessmen in the developing countries. The result is the ineffective and high cost consuming logistics and supply process is come into action that increases the cost of production. Thus instead of making one time investment and appropriate care in the production process, the business people actually make the business process highly costly and along with that affect the environment (Cagno et al., 2011). c. Review of the previous literatures: The review of the previous literatures that have been closely associated with the study and adoption of green supply chain management techniques across several industries, across several regions. These studies would further assist us in our research activity of investigating the benefits of adoption of green supply chain management practices. The following table summarizes the reviewed literature: Year Author Title Findings Country 2011 Zhu et al. Evaluating Green Supply Chain Management among Chinese Manufacturers from the Ecological Modernization Perspective The regulatory pressures in the region was the key influencer for the adoption of Green Supply chain practices in the region China 2011 Eltayeb et al. Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability: Investigating the outcomes The manufacturing industries have started slowly adopting green techniques, but the service providers are still reluctant for change Malaysia 2009 Holt and Ghobadian An empirical study of green supply chain management practices amongst UK manufacturers Environmental performance is a key legislative pressure for the industries which are the key internal drives for change United Kingdom 2005 Hervani and Sarkis Performance measurement for green supply chain management Many of the participants of the study have shown proactive attitude in adoption of green practices and accordingly have reaped operational benefits Japan 2005 Hugo and Pistikopoulos Environmentally conscious long-range planning and design of supply chain networks Buyers environmental requirements are supporting the suppliers willingness to participate in green supply chain management activities. India 4.Methodology Firstly our research is indented to measure the impact of adaptation of the Green techniques in the Supply chain management of the organizations using a qualitative research tools. Initially a primary research would be conducted to derive the latest first hand information from the industry practitioners. The practitioners who have at least 8 years of industry experience and those who are practically well versed with the implications of the several supply chain management techniques on operational performance of an organization would be selected as samples for the research. This investigation would be made through interviewing the selected industry practitioners across several industries via either email communication or video conferencing, for at least ten samples in the product manufacturing industries and ten samples from the service industry. The reasoning and responses received from these practitioners would be fed in the data tables designed to measure the significance and benef its of green practices in supply chain management of product and service organizations. The data extracted would then be further analyzed in to meaningful information to arrive at a considerable reasoning from the study. The various secondary sources of information would also be utilized to compare the responses from the samples against the prominent well accepted researches in this field. The study on the adoption and the benefits of the concept of the green supply chain management practices on the overall performance of the organizations and the benefits derived by the organization from this practice, is strictly restricted to the responses from the senior personnel from the respective industries. The reasoning for carefully choosing the experienced staff members belonging to the supply chain management practices background as samples is to obtain more practical, accurate and reliable first hand data from these samples. The improvement in the Operational, Economic and Environmental Performance of an Organization after incorporating Green measures in the supply chain process, would be the key measurable in the research. The threats of reliability and validity of the data would be significantly low as data would be captured from reliable sources. 5. Planning, Analysis and Organization The adoption and success of green supply chain management practices is a prominent and critical research area that is also popular among the industry patrons and students of this subject. The adoption and implementation of this concept in the medium sized organizations is still a challenging transformation. The Management of the several of these midsized organizations still foresees adoption of green supply chain practices as unnecessary expenditure to the organizations. Many of the organizations based in the developing countries still fear the adoption of green supply chain practices, in the fear of hampering their sustained operational and economic progress. This study envisages identifying the gaps between the adoption and non adoption of the green supply chain practices. Our research also tries to obtain considerable reasons as why these green supply chain practices are sought useful or harmful to the operational performance of the businesses. The implementation of the green supply chain management objectives can be efficiently achieved through several of the stakeholders working closely with the operational activities of the organization. Working closely with the raw material manufactures and other suppliers actively involved in the supply chain, would enable in gradual reduction and elimination of the product environmental impacts. Also reduction and control over the wastage of materials employed in the product manufacturing process in the organization would also have a significant positive impact on the operations of the Supply chain management activities. This research will be very much resourceful for the industry practitioners as well as students of the supply chain management practices. The practical applications of the green techniques implemented by the successful practitioners would be shared through this research. This research would not cease with the measure of success or failure of incorporating green supply chain techniques across several organizations belonging to several industries; but will further analyze the specific reasons or implementation techniques that made the implementation successful. Conclusion This research would thus enable effective networking with the several industry practitioners. The industry patrons selected as samples would be rich source of practical information on effective green management of supply chain activities in the organization, as they would be actively involved in the various practical aspects of implementation of green supply chain management activities. This research accordingly attempts to collect study and measure the responses obtained from the primary sources of information. A careful analysis and literature review of the various researches conduced in this field would further strengthen the research purpose, of study of the rightly directed adaptation and implementation of green supply chain management practices in organizations and the measurement of the several benefits derived from them. The various methods and the key agents that can help in the application of the Green Supply Chain Management process in action have been identified. The need is the commitment and support that the organization has to give to the suppliers and logistics companies so that the desired outcome can be achieved in terms of ensuring environment safety along with achieving cost effectiveness and improving production process as per the reviewed and suggest Supply Change Management process. These way huge benefits can be gained with the application of the GSCM in the business process which will not secure environment but bring economic gains for the organizations as well. References Anbumozhi, V. Kanada, Y., 2005. Greening the production and supply chains in Asia: Is there a role for voluntarily initiatives? IGES Kansai Research Center Discussion Paper., 6E, pp.1-22. Azevedo, S.G., Carvalho, H. Machado, V.C., 2011. The influence of Green Practices on Supply Chain Performance: A case study approach. Transportation Research Part E, 47(1), pp.850-71. Cagno, E., Guido, M.J.L., Perotti, S. Zorzini, M., 2011. The impact of green supply chain practices on company performance: The case of 3PLs. Lancaster University Management School Working Paper., 1(1), pp.1-31. Chiou, T.Y., H.K., C., Lettice, F. Chung, S.H., 2011. The influence of Greening the Suppliers and Green innovation on Environmental Performance and Comeptitive Advantage in Taiwan. Transportation Research Part E., 47(1), pp.822-36. Holt, and A. Ghobadian, (2009) An empirical study of green supply chain management practices amongst UK manufacturers, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 20(7), pp. 933-956. Eltayeb, T. K., Zailani, S. Ramayah, T., (2011) Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability: Investigating the outcomes, Resource, Conservation and Recycling, 55, pp 495-506. E. Bowen, P. D. Cousine, R. C. Lamming, and A.C. Faruk, (2001) Horse for courses: Explaining the gap between the theory and practice of green supply, Greener Management International, (Autumn), pp. 41-59. Hervani, Helms, and M. Sarkis, (2005) Performance measurement for green supply chain management, Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 12(4), pp. 330-353. Hugo, and E. Pistikopoulos, (2005) Environmentally conscious long-range planning and design of supply chain networks, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 13(15), pp. 1471-1491. Large, R.O. Thomson, C.G., 2011. Drivers of Green Supply Chain Management Performance: Evidence from Germany. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management., 17(1), pp.176-84. Nawrocka, D., Brorson, T. Lindhqvist, T., 2009. ISO 14001 in environmental supply chain practices. Journal of Cleaner Production., 17(1), pp.1435-43. Rao, P., 2002. Greening the supply chain: A new initiative in South East Asia. International Journal of Operations and Production Management., 22(6), pp.632-55. Zhu, J. Sarkis, and Y. Geng, (2005) Green supply chain management in China: pressures, practices and performance, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol. 25(5), pp. 449-468. Zhu, Q., Geng, Y., Sarkis, J., Lai, K.H., (2011) Evaluating Green Supply Chain Management among Chinese Manufacturers from the Ecological Modernization Perspective, Transportation Research Part E, 47, pp 808-821. Zhou, Q., Sarkis, J. Lai, K., 2008. Green Supply Chain Management implications for "Closing the loop". Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 44(1), pp.1-18.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The claim that some areas of knowledge free essay sample
Theory of knowledge Topic no. 9 Discuss the claim that some areas of knowledge are discovered and others are invented. Knowledge can be defined as something which is achieved through experience. Knowledge can be segregated into different areas like art, mathematics, human sciences, etc. All areas of knowledge are based on knowledge claims. Every area of knowledge is different from the other. Some of them are discovered while some are invented. Art is an area of knowledge which is invented. We can say that art is invented as artists paint whatever comes to their mind. A reflection of their thoughts s shown in the paintings that they make. Every piece of art has some hidden meaning behind it which is perceived differently by different individuals. Art also depicts various emotions like anger, love, peace, sorrow, etc. Hence, art is an invention of the mind and not a discovery. When it comes to a subject like mathematics, it is invented as it is one subject which involves the mind. We will write a custom essay sample on The claim that some areas of knowledge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mathematics as a whole does not really exist or make a difference in our daily lives. For example, we have nothing to do with calculus or theorems as we cannot relate it to our day to day activities. Mathematics requires the usage of the mind more than anything else. When it comes to solving a problem, one will solve it the way his mind wants to. Therefore a problem in mathematics is not only limited to one solution but has various solutions. Thus, I think that mathematics is an area of knowledge which is invented rather than being discovered. Human sciences can be defined as anything to do with human life and human activities. One major topic under human sciences is biology. Biology is the study of the human body and its various functions. This area of knowledge is discovered and not invented. Scientists have not invented the parts f the body and its related functions but have discovered them. Various problems and diseases of the human body are also a discovery and not an invention. Nowadays technology has advanced to such an extent that scientists are discovering things in the body which were not known. But, still there are parts and places in the body which are still a mystery to all. I would like to conclude by saying that the claim Some areas ot knowledge are discovered and others are invented is true. It is no necessary that all the areas of knowledge are invented or all are discovered. Each of them is different in its own way.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
My Food Essays
My Food Essays My Food Essay My Food Essay Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: My Food One of the restaurants that I attended is Desi Work, which is an Indian restaurant. It is located in 3966 South Hudson Avenue at Oklahoma in India. It operates daily, and the opening hour is at 11am and closing time is at 10pm. Desi Work has branded itself as a casual Asian dinner and there is a kind of self-descriptive language, which was generally reserved for the Pei Weis. They serve a variety of food including the chili chicken that absolutely swims in some sort of lucid and goopy sauce. The Indo-Chinese cuisine is usually served with rice or noodles depending on the customer’s choice. Other cuisines include Manchurian, vindloo, maschao soup and chicken Tikka masala, which is the common food served in Indian restaurants (Desi Work, 2011). The atmosphere in Desi Work Indian restaurant seems not to be enthusiastic as compared to when the original owners had it but the quality of food is good. However, they offer varieties of Indian and Asian cuisines in huge portions at a reasonable price compared to Tokyo Gardens Japanese restaurant, which is a bit expensive. In addition, there is no expectation of elegant surroundings or a great atmosphere. Moreover, one needs to order at the counter for the food is brought to the table. The restaurant does not have much decor and the Formica blue marble. It has wood with red vinyl cushions together bizarre tiles, which are so fabulous. Most of the ethnic groups found in this restaurant are the Indians and Asians. The restaurant has a layout of a ludicrous way but the food and services that they provide are actually exceptional. My favorite food is chili chicken but I decided to take two recipes of cuisines. One is Bombay combo bowl, which is a mixture of rice and noodle dish served depending on the customer’s choice. The second recipe I chose is the chicken Tikka masala, which is popular Indian food served with cumin rice in many restaurants. I wanted to try something else but chicken Tikka masala is so delicious and the customers are allowed to choose three different levels of spices, to suit their plates. The first spice is cold, medium and another one is hot. One is allowed to order one of these spices with the type of recipe he or she prefers. Therefore, I decided to choose chicken Tikka masala with hot spice of carrot, potatoes and peas served with rice (Colyer, Pratap and Arcot 124). The Bombay combo bowl is a mixture of fried rice and noodles mixed with fried vegetables with some omelet on top. The chicken Tikka masala is a chicken breast marinated in tomato and cream based sauce. It is served with cumin rice or vegetables. Tikka masala is similar to a tomato spiced gravy sauce with marinated chicken, which is served with long grain rice and traditional naan food. Naan is grilled flat bread, which is made from the white flour. The ingredients found in chicken Tikka masala include tomatoes, turmeric seeds, garlic, spice, cumin seeds, and ground red chili and coriander seeds. Each of these ingredients has their own healing property or a healthy supporting action to human beings. Nevertheless, they create flavor harmony and the texture contrast defines the traditional Indian curries linked to health benefits. Researchers have found that turmeric seeds play a vital role in slowing down Alzheimer diseases from progressing. Yance and Stephen Sagar (10) reveal that turmeric seeds are essential because they help in controlling diseases such as arthritis and clinical diseases. Turmeric has been used as medicine for gastrointestinal discomfort together with irritable bowel syndrome and diseases of digestive problems. It strengthens cartilage and bones when taken raw. Consequently, cumin seeds have been praised not only for adding iron to the body but also with their potential for cancer prevention and for helping in food digestion process. Many mechanisms have been considered including antioxidant activity and anti-angiogenesis in preventing new blood vessels growth and direct effects on cancer cells. Turmeric has been used for a long time as a traditional Asian medicine for treating gastrointestinal upset, relieving arthritic pain and lowering energy in the body. The Indians use turmeric for tr eating stomach problems such as fatty meal indigestion (Valentine, 2009). Another restaurant that I attended is Tokyo Gardens Japanese restaurant. It is one of the best restaurants found in Japan. It is located in 4020S Memorial Dr East Avenue. The operating time is from 5pm to 9.30pm from Monday to Thursday. From Friday to Saturday, the operating period is from 5pm to 10pm but on Sunday, it is from 5pm to 9pm. Their number one goal is to make customer’s dining a memorable and enjoyable experience. They cook food of the highest quality, offer friendly services, clean environment and the atmosphere is unique. In their Teppanyaki dining room where their performing chefs organize customer’s meals at the table, fresh ingredients with natural flavors assure customers of their health conscious cooking without forgoing test, flavor or quality. The restaurant serves common food such as negri, sushi, sashimi, hand roll and maki sushi rolls (Tokyo Garden 2011). The atmosphere at Tokyo Garden restaurant is cool and the wall surrounding the restaurant is redone. The interior art seems to have stepped up in class and the place has some sweet music heard from a far distance. They play good music such as hip-hop, blues and they have a big flat screen television always showing games. It has very many seats that can be used by many people. The place is good for office parties because of its surrounding with fresh air from the surrounding flowers planted outside the compound. It does not appear big from outside but it is clean and spacious from the inside (Brodowsky, Neil Granitz, and Beverlee 3). At Tokyo Garden restaurant, they have a variety of delicious items so after reading their menu, I decided to choose calamari roll, which is one of Sushi special roll with spices such as cucumber, avocado, asparagus and fried calamari. Another Sushi roll that I took is spicy Tuna roll, which is the popular food in the globe made out of raw fish. The food is delicious but the price is so expensive. The staff members are so friendly and the food is served quiet and quickly. The ingredients found in spicy tuna roll include spicy sauce, chopped tuna, cucumber and radish sprouts. At Tokyo Garden restaurant, they believe that a good dining experience will truly delight their customers thus they serve their customers healthy food. The ingredients found in spicy tuna roll are vital in healing and supporting health. The study indicates that an ingredient such as spicy sauce is considered a vital source of dietary fiber, iron and magnesium that promotes health. Fish is vital for people who are trying to lose their weight because it has additives that can reduce the amount calories in their body. Consequently, chopped tuna is essential for those people who want low calorie foods. This is because it helps in weight reduction thus chances of getting diseases such as obesity is very low. Tuna is good for health but the ingredients used for preparation maybe somehow having high calories (, 2011). The amount of calories found in chopped tuna is approximated to be 290, which is quite reasonable for good health. In addition, the amount of calories found in chopped tuna such as 26 grams of carbohydrates and 3.5 grams of dietary fibers are essential in weight reduction. Those people who are suffering from obesity are advised to take spicy tuna rolls. Obesity increases many diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure and sleeping sickness. Thus, the Japanese believe that by taking nutritious food such spicy tuna roll, they will be able to overcome problems of obesity. This is because this food makes one to reduce weight for it has low fats and enough calories essential for health body. Spicy tuna roll contains many proteins, which is approximately 24 grams. Consequently, it has 560 mg of sodium when packed but the fresh have 23mg, hence believed for their effectiveness in promoting health (Yance and Stephen Sagar 27). Brodowsky, Glen, Neil Granitz, and Beverlee Anderson. â€Å"The Best of Times Is Now.†Time Society. 17 (2008): 2-3. Print. Colyer, C G. B, S W. Pratap, and J Arcot. â€Å"Nutrient Composition of Indian Restaurant Foods.†Food Australia : Official Journal of Cafta and Aifst. 49.3 (2000): 124. Print. Desi Work. Indian Asian Grill. Web. July 22, 2011 Spicy tuna roll calories. April 3, 2011. Web. July 22, 2011 Tokyo Garden. Japanese Steak, Seafood and Sushi Bar. Web. July 22, 2011 Valentine, S. â€Å"Best Food, Nutrition and Health Student of 2008.†Nutrition Bulletin. 34.1 (2009). Print. Yance, Donald, and Stephen Sagar. â€Å"Targeting Angiogenesis with Integrative Cancer Therapies.†Integrative Cancer Therapies. 5.1 (2006): 9-29. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Effect of the media, TV advertising and commercials to individual, Essay
Effect of the media, TV advertising and commercials to individual, families and to society - Essay Example This essay "Effect of the media, TV advertising and commercials to individual, families and to society" outlines the changes that media and advertisement industry has brought to our society. To improve the body image, teenagers go fasting getting into unhealthy cycle of malnutrition, anemia and become an open field for attacking diseases. At the same time, young men devote their focus on a well-built, athletic body to make their mark in the female arena, and in the world at large. Both these pressures hardly give the youngsters any time for their intellectual or educational development. All advertised images of men and women are full of perfectly shaped bodies, drooled over by the lesser fortunate mortals. The average viewer watches 400 to 600 advertisements every day and this enormous amount of messaging can create a permanent mindset. Fatty foods are shown with awfully thin bodies triggering off a confused and strange eating tendency among the really younger sets. Acceptance of violence, almost expecting it, is another tendency that is unhappily growing among viewers. Children are becoming more and more bloodthirsty. Recent media story about a TV game where the little viewer had to blow up President Kennedy’s head was an ultimate example of the horrifying intellectual bankruptcy. Children know all names in the TV game world, but cannot recognize the next-door kid, as they hardly play in the open. Perhaps a positive and encouraging, almost ethical approach is necessary for TV to make the right impact on viewers.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cyber Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Cyber Law - Essay Example Therefore, an analysis of all of the above will begin below, starting with the legality of Naj’s actions and whether or not he needs to give Sarah the information she is asking for. Advise Naja of the legality of his actions, and whether he needs to give Sarah the information she is asking for. One of the issues in this question deals with Sarah’s right to privacy. The advent of new communication technologies including the distribution of personal information; the acceleration of the speed of communication through e-mail, IM, social networking and the like; and the ability of employers to electronically monitor employees has made this a hot-button issue.1 As employers cannot reasonably take the Internet and e-mail away from their employees without hurting the company's efficiency, there must be a balance between the need for employers to provide the Internet for business-related functions and reasonable personal use, and the employees tendency to abuse their privilege. Therefore, employers increasingly turn to tools such as monitoring employee e-mail and Internet usage, and disciplining employees who abuse the privilege.2 Employers typically do this with software that reads, intercepts and monitor's employee's electronic e-mail and Internet usage, much to the consternation of many employees.3 At present, â€Å"employers can lawfully intercept, search and read any messages stored in workplace computers because courts have ruled that employees have no expectation of privacy in workplace electronic communications.†4 As employee abuse of e-mail and Internet privileges can have severe consequences - in addition to lost productivity, such abuses also open the employer up to security breaches, viruses and hacking, not to mention that employees commit crimes against their employers more than third parties5 - there is a definite need for employers to subject their employees to surveillance. Then there is the issue of â€Å"cyberslacking,†whi ch is just like it sounds – employees abusing their privilege and taking away valuable company time with their personal on-line activities, which leads to loss of productivity and theft of company resources.6 However, employees have rights as well, and there are a number of different UK cases and statutes that are implicated in employee surveillance. One such is the Human Rights Act 1998, which states in Article 8 that â€Å"everyone has a right to respect for his private†¦correspondence.†7 Courts have interpreted this particular Act in a variety of ways that would be pertinent to the question of employee surveillance. For instance, the court in Halford v. UK [1997] I.R.L.R. 471 (1997). This court found that intercepting phone calls made from an employee on business premises was a breach of the employee’s privacy.8 This decision was upheld in Valenzuela Contreras v. Spain (1998) 28 E.H.R.R. 4839 and Douglas v. Hello Ltd. [2001] QB 96710. Other decisions per tinent was the decision in Niemitz v. Germany (1992) 16 E.H.H.R.R. 97, in which the search of a lawyer’s office invaded his private life.11 However, the right to privacy is not absolute – if the employer has a legitimate concern that is being furthered by the seizure, which a surveillance would be considered to be, then the employer would be held to be
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment - Essay Example 1). Arms in this case include any kind of firearms (handguns, rifles, and shotgun among others). The Second Amendment, as intended by the founding fathers, gives individuals the constitutional right to bear arms although the state reserves the mandate to regulate their ownership and use. This paper will analyze the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States in light of its history and controversial nature. Although the Second Amendment was ratified in December 1791, it was passed by Congress on September 25, 1789 (National Constitution Center par. 1). The history of the Second Amendment to the American Constitution traces its roots to the English law which held that people have natural rights to defend themselves against aggression. Before the American Revolution English Settlers in America held the view that the right to bear arms or state militia was important for several reasons. Some of the reasons that that they assigned to bearing arms included: to repel invasion; to facilitate self-defense; for law enforcement; to suppress insurrection; to prevent tyrannical government; and to enable the organization of a militia system (Adams 47). This was indeed the case in the different states that today make up the United States as evidenced by their individual constitutions. For example, the Constitution of Pennsylvania expressly stated that the people have a right to arms for which they c an use to defend the state or themselves. Before the American Revolution took place, colonists who pledged their allegiance to the British government bore arms, forming a colonial militia (Adams 82). However, with the passage of time some colonists developed mistrust for the British government and by extension, distrust toward those who were loyal to it. The colonists who favored independence from British rule established colonial legislatures that were free of the control of the British government. They used these
Friday, November 15, 2019
Change Management Process And Basic Needs Management Essay
Change Management Process And Basic Needs Management Essay Change as we call it is quite inevitable and it is very necessary in todays fast changing environment and competition. Organizational change management is focused at when big changes need to take place. There are numerous change management models that can be used by companies today in order to successfully implement the change and meet its objectives. The Kurt Lewin Model is an old model still used today. Change management aims at bringing better results than those currently experienced. In change management one understands that there are better ways of performing a particular task in an effective and efficient manner while meeting all the customers expectations and standards of performance. So we can use the ADKAR model here to manage change. Change management theory has 5 principles based upon it like: At first we see that people display and show different reactions to change as each individual is different and unique in their own way. Secondly people strive to meet their basic needs regardless of their stature, occupation or living standards. Thirdly for each of the change to take place the person has to loose something initially to help make the implementation of the change successful. All the people put in varied amounts of efforts for the change as per their perception so the change activity needs to be realistic in nature. Change brings with it fear and a feeling of mistrust so change management can only take place if these people face their fears. These five principles need to be implemented properly by the company to actually make the change process feasible and successful. Change management requires acceptability from all the concerned stakeholders as it cannot succeed by acceptance of one but by only a collective effort of many. (Change Management 100 Success Secrets) A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be Wayne Gretzky, Canadian ice hockey player Change Management (2008) Literature Review Kurt Lewin Change Management Model In 1947 Kurt Lewin proposed a three stage theory of Change which is very relevant till date and most newer models are quite based on this model. The three stages are: Unfreeze This is the most critical stage as it involves preparing oneself before a change is implemented. It involves understanding that a change needs to take place and the employees need to get out of the comfort zone. A deadline needs to there to which some reward/punishment is linked to motivate the people to go for the change and accept it. So unfreezing one-self and seeing the inherent advantages outweighing the disadvantages lead to a successful change. This refers to another Kurt Lewins theory called the Force Field Analysis. So as per the Force Field Analysis if the pros outweigh the cons then change can take place smoothly as it acts as a pushing factor but if not then there is resistance which can be detrimental to the objective and purpose of the change. We can actually take a practical example to illustrate the above diagram in a better position in the case of Tata motors in the Analysis section. Change So the next stage is the transition stage where the change actually happens. Here we see people have inhibitions as they are unsure of the results or consequences from the change process are taking place within the organization. Certain factors like training, guides and mentors can be used to make the learning process easier and faster as it helps the people to adapt and understand the objective and rationale for the change activity. Through self involvement and proper communication one can encourage the change to take place in an easier fashion. Freeze This stage is also called the refreezing stage as it involves if there is stability after the change has actually occurred. People now tend to adapt and accept the change and it becomes a part of their daily routine. Change is a continuous process and soon after the implementation of the change the next change process starts off at any point and can finish at any point of time. (Kurt Lewin Change Management Model (1947)) ADKAR: Simple, Powerful, Action Oriented Model for Change This model was developed by Jeff Hiatt, CEO of Prosci Change Management and it was first published in 2003. This model tells us that organizational change can succeed when each of the individual members of the organization transition through the change management process. There are five steps in this model: Awareness of the need for change This involves understanding why a particular change is necessary is the primary aspect of a successful change. We here find out the rationale and need behind the change. So the employee will fully understand why change is necessary. Desire to participate in and support the change Here the employee needs to make a personal decision to support the change and participate in the change. Only when the person is confident and convinced that the change is essential then only will he participate in the change activity. Proper incentives need to be formulated in order to motivate the person not to deter from the path of change. Knowledge on how to change This is the third stage of the model in which knowledge about the change can be imparted through training, mentorship and other educational methods. Two types of knowledge needs to be addressed: knowledge on how to change (things to be done during the transition or the time during which the change is being implemented) and knowledge on how to perform after the change activity is implemented. Ability to implement required skills and behaviors In this part of the building block Ability is referred to the difference between theory and practice. Once knowledge on how to change is in place then this is the theory being referred to and then comes the practical aspect which is the actual performance of the individual. This is a time conduming process and can be successfully implemented through practice, coaching and feedback. Reinforcement to sustain the change In the final stage of the model there is an essential component in which efforts made by the individual to sustain the change are pressed upon. Here it is ensured that changes made stay in place and that the employee does not slip back to his old ways which can be ensured through positive feedback, rewards, recognition, measuring performance and taking corrective actions. ADKAR Model of Change (2003) Kotters 8 steps for Leading Change Dr. John Kotter developed the 8 steps to change which can help organizations to avoid failure and be proactive to change. They are: Acting with Urgency It refers to identification of the problem and crisis areas in regards to the company, market and the competitive forces. Developing the Guiding Coalition Form a team of employees who would be responsible to handle the change efforts in a collective manner. Developing a Change Vision This step involves creating a vision and formulating the strategies to achieve the vision. Communicating the Vision buy-in There needs to be clear communication between the employees and the vision and the means to achieve it both need to be known by all the employees while keeping the team as the source of example. Empowering broad based action Use varied risky ideas, non-traditional means and other techniques not in the book to remove all the obstacles to the change. Generating short term wins Visible improvements need to be planned and all the incumbents should be duly rewarded for their efforts. Do not let up To change all the systems, structures and policies new employees maybe needed to be recruited, old ones removed and other promoted to meet the vision by also putting in new projects, ideas, work patterns, etc. Make change stick Use the leaders in the organization to show its employees the benefits of the change activity in both qualitative and quantitative terms so that people do not digress from the change activity. Kotters 8 steps of change (2005) Beckhard Harris Change Formulae In 1987 Beckhard and Harris developed the Change equation which helps the organization to identify all the possibilities to change. The change equation propounded is: D x V x F > R = Dissatisfaction x Vision x First steps > Resistance to Change All the three components must be present in congruence in order to overcome resistance to change. Dissatisfaction with the current happenings, Vision of what is to come in the near future, and the way/direction/First steps to reach or achieve this vision should all be there to repel the resistance to the change activity. Beckhard and Harriss Change Equation (1987) CASE STUDY Tata Motors Jaguar Cars Limited and Land Rover, based in the UK, are one of the key global auto majors companies that are engaged in manufacturing luxury sports saloons and sports cars that cater to the premium end of the market. On June 22, 2008; Tata Motors, Indias largest automobile company, acquired the Jaguar Land Rover businesses from Ford Motor Company for a net consideration of US $2.3 billion. (Press Release: 2nd June, 2008) But just immediately after the acquisition; the global financial sector collapsed and squeezed out global liquidity. The consequent lack of access to credit and working capital, along with the meteoric rise in commodities and fossil fuel prices, has an unprecedentedly devastating effect on the global automotive sector. All the automobile companies, hard hit by the crisis, posted major operating losses. Two of the three major U.S. car makers, General Motors and Chrysler, filed for bankruptcy. Jaguar Land Rover was hit hard in the second half of the year ended 31st March 2009. In the U.S, Europe and Japan, sales of new cars have declined by 16% in the second half of the year. Stimulus packages designed to rekindle demand were only partially successful. The volumes at JLR over the 10 months post acquisition reduced by 32% as compared to the comparable period in the previous year resulting in a Loss before tax of GB  £ 281 million. Europe was in doldrums. This was a major concern for the Tatas since it is a big market for Jaguar Land Rover. By the end of January 2009, Tata Motors had US$ 2 billion outstanding as regards the bridge loan. Moreover, JLR required additional investments, that too quickly, in order to sustain its operations that were burning cash at that juncture. Terming the acquisition as irrationally exuberant , critics started questioning the rationale for the companys move To compound the companys woes, the commercial launch of Tata Motors small car Nano required much more time than anticipated. The Nano was always more than just a car. It was Tata group supremo Ratan Tatas dream project to bring an affordable transportation solution within reach of the masses. The promise of a small car priced at Rs. 1 lakh had fired the imagination of an entire nation and the global automotive industry (Forbes) Faced with the altered dynamics of the new business environment, the company adapted its productive model as well as profit strategy to respond to the need of the hour. Prompt action was taken to reduce inventory, improve working capital, reduce investments and payroll costs including more than 2000 job losses. Transition initiatives were undertaken in marketing, customer financing support, IT and related infrastructure. The company appointed KPMG International and also Roland Berger Strategy Consultants to suggest appropriate action plans to reduce costs at the two brands. It retrenched 2,200 employees of JLR since it took over the management of JLR. The move was in sharp contrast to the well entrenched business practices followed by the Tata Group where no employees are retrenched. The company to secure flexible arrangements with the workforce in the UK. Tata Motors had Rs 191 crore in employee separation costs at JLR during the year ended 31st March 2009 The company finalized guarantee arrangements to access a  £340 million loan approved by the European Investment Bank. These funds will be used to develop new technologies for JLR. The Company prepaid part of the said facility out of proceeds of a Rights Issue and certain divestments and the balance outstanding as on March 31, 2009 was US$ 2.02 billion. For repayment of the said amount, the Company in May 2009 raised resources through further divestments and issued Secured Non-Convertible Credit Enhanced Rupee Debentures in four tranches, having tenors upto 7 years, aggregating Rs.4,200 crores on a private placement basis. The balance facility of US$ 1 billion was rolled over and guaranteed by the Company, by extending the final maturity upto December 2010. New launches were planned. Range Rover Evoque is to be launched in summer of 2011. With a view to capitalize on the growing demand for luxury cars in China, the company gave a major thrust to strategy for China and also explored possible assembly in India Tata Motors non-executive vice chairman Ravi Kant was quoted as saying: A lot of restructuring has happened at JLR but these are early days. We will continue with the cost reduction measures. (Press Meet, November 2010) Tata Motors Group CEO and Managing Director Carl-Peter Forster said, We are focussing on reducing costs and selective hiring for JLR. (Hindu) While sales of JLR, along with that of the Indian commercial vehicle segment significantly reduced in 2008-09 during the global meltdown, resulting in a consolidated loss for the company, all these segments registered an impressive recovery in 2009-10, an event that vindicated the sound fundamentals of the Companys longer-term strategies. The revival of Jaguar Land Rover was significant in April 2010 with global unit sales of the two British brands growing 61 percent, compared with the same month the year before. (Automotive News Europe) Source: Tata Motors Press Meet The efforts bore fruit when Tata Motors Limited posted a more than 100-fold gain in profit for the second-quarter ended 30th September 2010. Group net income, including Jaguar Land Rover, reached 22.2 billion rupees ($502 million) in the three months through September, compared with 218 million rupees a year earlier. This was attributable to global economic recovery, growing Chinese and US demand. (India Watch) Jaguar Land Rover reported a profit after tax of  £238 mn for the quarter ending Sept 2010. In a time span of eighteen months after the takeover, Tata Motors was able to turnaround the JLR story, adopting a strategy of cost-cutting and pushing sales. (MSN News) While JLR turnaround has been achieved, the declining sales of the Nano, the worlds cheapest car, continue to a major challenge for Tata Motors. For Nano, again, flexible to change, the company has initiated a pan-India campaign in order to promote and market the car. The strategy is to reach out to that class of buyers who were the original target base of the company. Senior executives at Tata Motors are closely following pro-active measures to reach out to customers. These include ensuring better coordination between banks and customers, facilitating tie-ups with regional finance institutions and opening newer channels to reach out to the end-consumer, among several others. However these efforts are yet to bear fruition. (Rediff) ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION We can see how the Force Field Analysis can be used in the analysis of the Tata Mators case: Eliminates Errors 1 Managers unhappy with clerical work 2 Faster execution of administrative work 1 Requires trained people 2 Online documentation eliminates the use of paper 4 Some of the activity costs shift to high paid staff 2 Reduces need for clerical staff 3 Cost of eliminating clerical staff 1 Increase Control and audit capabilities 1 Start up costs 1 Total 10 Total 8 From the above example we can clearly see that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages thus change can me possibly be implemented. Successful implementation of change is achieved by either making the driving forces strong or by making the preventive forces weak. After all these theories we can also look into some of the facts stated in regards to change management by research scholars in their papers. As per the findings of the paper Nobody in charge: Distributed Change agency in Healthcare we can clearly see that the authors that in complex organizations where a formal structure and environment is not present a more of a distributed change agency can be established where small teams and groups are formed. These teams have a wider scope of roles with distributed responsibility among all the stakeholders which was possible due to the change goals. Here nobody was watching over the other thus change was a lot voluntary. This is a good approach for such organizations to tackle with change. This concept could have been used by Tata Motors also to help in involving all the levels of management to get the due turnaround strategy in a faster and better manner. Nobody in charge: Distributed change agency in healthcare (2009) Another paper on change management in a dynamic business process tells us that we can make the execution of any business process flexible and adaptable to any situation through the change management technique. Run time change management softwares are used to make all the business processes in a company flexible and dynamic thus helping cope up with the demand for changes even after the new process has been implemented. Change Management in Dynamic Business Process (2010) Prof. Robert E. Ledez in his paper has shown change in a totally different picture. According to him employees perceive change with a very negative connotation and often relate it to downsizing, paycuts, layoffs and relocation. So the employees need to alter their mindset and enable change to take place as in this competitive and ever changing world change needs to take place in all forms like new technology, new ideas, innovations, structural changes and others. Change Management: Getting A Tuned Up Organization Kaizen means continuous improvement of productivity and quality which depends on the participation level of the entire workforce. This is a low-cost approach to productivity and quality improvement. Kaizen is applicable not only to the manufacturing sector but also to the service sector, public organizations, and non-profit organizations. Kaizen is one of most critical components of Japanese industrial support in developing countries. Introducing Kaizen (2009) In the review article of Asian Journal of Management Research it has explained change management as one that incorporates the tools of the company which can be utilized to help individuals to make winning personal evolutions resulting in the adoption and realization of change. The concept of change is not new to Indians, because change management programmes were conducted for Ministers in the Indian government and civil service officers during the 1980s. Change should be implemented smoothly while adapting all concerned stakeholders through planning, idea generation, sharing of information, preparation, evaluation, and reinforcing. There has to be the human resource as the backbone of this change. Implanting Change (2010) In the research paper Getting Organizational Change Right in Public Services: the Case of European Higher Education has thrown light towards the need or requirement of organizational change and the way to manage this change. Change for the sake of change can be detrimental to the organization so we can use the Bys model developed in 2007 called the conscious V/s unconscious change management theory which brings in successful organizational change. The rationale for the model is that most employees will realize that change initiatives are put forward and drilled into by personal interests, self preservation, indecision, lack of knowledge and incompetence rather than by requirement, knowledge, choice, competence, awareness and what is in the best interest of the sector and its stakeholders. Journal of Change Mangement (2008) Conclusion Actually in Kaizen (kai means change) and (zen mean for good) which is very relevant for all organizations today. The participative attitude of all the employees in any hierarchy can be used to find out different varied suggestions with regards to change in all the areas of the business. Change Management is a very evoking area and its necessity increases as the current economic and global climate demands constant evolution and change if companies want to prosper and grow. The technological innvovations, products and rising global competition will only enable the change that will be needed in order to compete. One cannot manage the past but can sure take charge of the future. In a book on managing change we see that organizations of today need to identify the skill set required to control, plan and manage the change activity. The employees need to determine the objectives, scope, and the direction of change and then formulate a structured implementation plan to cope with all the changes in the competitive environment. Managing Change (1991) In this book we see that today externally we find ourselves in an unpredictable economy with turbulent markets, self eclipsing technology and dramatic demographic trends which makes change imperative. It says that there needs to be a process of change in which there are Inputs are seen then strategy formulated, Transformation process and then Output is derived for the change activity. Through a proper strategic intent can change be formulated. Managing change (2004) Strategic Intent (1989) This book talks a lot about change and time period for change. It tells that organizations should focus on certain things for success like: Dont Delay the change activity as time and tide wait for no man. Change Today and not Tomorrow as there may be no tomorrow if the problem escalates. Do not let Bureaucracy hinder change. Change is for the good and is possible through proper communication. Change is simple but needs to be adapted well for results. By Reinventing and Repositioning the organization one can deal with all the oppositions to change. If we monitor the market and the environment we can anticipate and forecast change easily. Harvard Business School (2007)
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